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The Evolution of Amazon Live

On February 16th, 2021, Mitsubishi released their newest SUV. While there wasn’t the excitement of an in-person auto show reveal due to the pandemic, there was the next best thing: Amazon Live. Viewers around the US tuned in to watch the big launch on Amazon’s

Amazon’s Q4 Strikes Big at $126 Billion in Revenue

Last Tuesday (February 2, 2021) Amazon dropped some big news: The company crossed a milestone of more than $100 billion in revenue for a single quarter with $125.56 billion in sales during Q4 2020. The announcement was made in Amazon’s Q4 Earnings Report, making headlines in news

SEO de Google vs. SEO de Amazon

No todo el SEO se crea igual. De la misma manera en la que los motores de búsqueda difieren, la estrategia SEO de cada uno también debe ajustarse para adaptarse a la plataforma que estás utilizando. Entonces, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre el SEO de

Macarta’s 2021 Amazon Trends & Predictions

It’s no secret that 2020 saw big changes in consumer spending. With Covid-19 upending everyday life and confining people to their homes, a massive growth occurred in online spending, landing Amazon with even more market share and sales volume.  As the dust settles into 2021, there’s

Travel the World Virtually with Amazon Explore

Nostalgic about the days you could explore ancient ruins or peruse local boutiques from around the world? Wish you could learn how to make homemade pasta from a local Italian chef? With Amazon Explore, “the world is at your fingertips” — right from the comfort

sponsored Amazon video ad for Red Kap Men's Pants

A Guide to Amazon Sponsored Brands Video

In October 2019, Amazon released Sponsored Brands Video, allowing sellers to use their video assets to engage customers on the e-commerce platform better. While these short, attention-grabbing ads are relatively new, having an up-to-scratch Amazon video marketing strategy is incredibly important to improving ad performance

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Amazon

You’ve likely seen video content all over Amazon. Product pages, brand stores, search results, and more. So, why is video marketing important?  Amazon is now video-centric. Online customers crave helpful video content, well-made videos boost conversion and page engagement; and Amazon’s search algorithm even prioritizes pages

Todo lo que necesitas saber de Amazon México

En comparación con Amazon Estados Unidos, Amazon México se encuentra en sus etapas iniciales. El gigante del comercio minorista en línea se lanzó en México en 2015 y desde entonces ha mostrado un crecimiento año tras año. La oficina de Macarta México ha tenido gran

Amazon Removes Comment Feature on Product Reviews

Amazon is an ever-changing beast. The latest: removing the Amazon reviews feature that lets brands comment on product reviews. On Wednesday, December 16th, an email from Amazon Services went out to sellers announcing the shut-down of the feature, citing lack of use as an explanation and

Turkey 5 2020: Amazon Performance Analysis

Now that the first push of the Holiday season shopping rush has passed, let’s take a look at the 2020 performance data analysis from Turkey 5 (T5). Spanning the 5 days from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, T5 is a major shopping event. Retailers and e-commerce

Rompiendo Récords: Buen Fin Edición 2020

Las expectativas Llegó la décima edición del evento anual de México que fomenta el comercio a través de promociones y descuentos con el fin de reactivar la economía. Debido al contexto mundial por la pandemia de COVID-19, el Buen Fin generó una dualidad de expectativas. Previo al

Buen Fin Analysis: A Record Breaking 2020

Expectations The tenth edition of Mexico's annual event, Buen Fin, that encourages commerce through promotions and discounts in order to activate the economy has arrived. Due to the global context and the COVID-19 pandemic, Buen Fin generated a duality of expectations. Prior to the event, there was