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Amazon Releases Creative Asset Library

Amazon released a new tool within the A+ content builder called the Creative Asset Library. An archive of all A+ images you’ve uploaded in the past, the new feature makes optimizing product listings a whole lot easier. Instead of taking the time to re-upload A+

Páginas de Producto en Amazon: Lo Que Te Estás Perdiendo

Son 5 los principales componentes de la página de detalle del producto (PDP). En este artículo les compartimos diferentes y exitosas maneras de mostrar su catálogo de productos. TÍTULO El 74% de los “Compradores Amazon” empiezan su búsqueda en Amazon – Feedvisor El título del producto es el pitch

E-Commerce in the Time of Covid-19

To say that we’re living in unprecedented times is an understatement. Life as we know it has been virtually upended because of Covid-19 and great uncertainty lies ahead of us. We’ve seen overnight transformation in response to this period of isolation and uncertainty – one major

Amazon Detail Pages: What You’re Missing

There are five major components to Amazon Product Detail Pages (PDP). Today we are going beyond the basics and sharing ways you can take your product listings to the next level: Title 74% of Amazon Shoppers start their search on Amazon - Feedvisor The product title is the

Amazon 101: The Brand Store

The Amazon Brand Store is a crucial component to creating an immersive, informative shopping experience for your customers.  It is important to remember: Amazon does not function exactly the same as traditional e-commerce sites. Shoppers typically come to Amazon in search of a specific product,

Amazon 101: A+ Content

With the deterioration of brick and mortar comes the demand for a similar immersive experience when shopping online. Over the course of the e-commerce boom, online brands have been able to cater to this demand using UX/UI tactics that allow their customer to feel like

Amazon 101: Boost Listings with Product Photos

One of the most critical elements of an Amazon Product Detail Page (PDP) are the product images. An image is the first consumer-facing representation of the product – the element on a search results page that either prompts the click or causes the viewer to