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Big Things Are Coming for Amazon Audio Ads

Podcasts are becoming mainstream and, as always, Amazon is not one to sleep. Last year, the retail giant acquired popular podcast network Wondery with the ultimate goal of capturing more ad dollars from marketers. With podcast advertising hitting $1 billion in ad sales last year, Amazon

7 Ways to Master the Holidays on Amazon

We’re well into the holiday season, and while it looks a bit different this year due to Covid-19, our favorite holiday sales events are here to offer a sense of familiarity in a world of great uncertainty. The Turkey 5, coined by Amazon in 2017 to

Why Lowering Your ACoS Isn’t the Answer

Sometimes looking at your ACoS can feel like a game of limbo - how low can you go? There comes a point and time where you reach a threshold and can’t go any lower.  Lowering your ACoS isn’t a bad idea, but it shouldn’t be the

Three Updates to Amazon’s Sponsored Brand Ads

Amazon recently rolled out three major updates to Sponsored Brand Ads. Amazon claims that these new features will help you reach more shoppers and control advertising costs. We sat down with René Crandall, Macarta’s Search Marketing Manager, to review the changes and discuss what that