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How to Boost Sales on Amazon Using TikTok

TikTok (and its audiences) are bigger than ever. Love it or hate it, its influence is hard to ignore.  As the #1 downloaded app in 2021 with over 1 billion users, TikTok has become essential for brands looking to connect with customers directly. The looping, endless

Haciendo Crecer la Participación de tu Marca

¿Qué es la participación de voz de marca? Su término en inglés (Share Of Voice) hace referencia a la porción del mercado que posee tu marca respecto de tus competidores. También se la conoce como “Participación de Mercado”.  La participación de tu marca se mide según

4 Ways You Should Leverage Your Social Media

While social media is a fun escape, when executed correctly, it is an invaluable tool for your company. There are a number of platforms to choose from, all with their own media formats, demographics and niche communities. While you may be tempted to be everywhere,

Planning Promotions: 2019 Advertising Calendar

Coordinating your advertising calendar around significant selling events is the best way to connect the dots in your overall strategy. Here is how you can set yourself up for success: Planning for Success   Planning your advertising calendar around major selling days on Amazon is the best way