Amazon Onsite Associates Program
If you’ve ever started a general search query on Amazon, you may have noticed “Editorial Recommendations” that appear on the results page. These recommendations appear below sponsored products and typically underneath Amazon’s Choice products.
For example, Search: Glycolic Peel
This feature is a part of the Amazon Onsite Associates Program. This affiliate program is an extension of the Amazon Associates program that serves product-related content from third-parties onto Amazon. This helps customers research and discover products they might be interested in.
When you click “Read the full article,” within the module you are taken to an article written by the Onsite Associate about the products related to your search query:
Since more consumers start a product search query on Amazon rather than Google, this program has the potential to highlight your product toward the top of a page. However, it’s important to ensure that your content is still fully optimized.
Search: Rain Coat
Amazon does not have any influence over what products are featured in the Onsite Associates Program, positive or negative. This content has been syndicated from content creators’ websites who have been invited to participate in this program. Amazon states, “The views and opinions expressed in the content are those of the content creator, not Amazon. Amazon does not influence which products are mentioned within the content.”
In order to have your product featured in an Editorial Recommendation, it’s important to have an internal public relations team or a PR firm that can advocate on your behalf to publications that are Amazon Onsite Associates. Whether you choose to have your PR team in-house or you go with an agency, make sure that you have a media list full of publications that are Onsite Associates. Form relationships with your media contact, stay in regular contact about new products, seasonal products and upcoming launches.
If you are a vendor or seller and believe that your product is not being represented accurately, Amazon recommends you “engage directly with the content creator to address any concerns.”
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