AMAZON REPORT: The Big Style Sale 2020
In light of Prime Day 2020 being moved to (at least) October, Amazon sought to create a summer holiday sale to help boost sales halfway through the year. Prime Day has historically occurred during the second week of July just after the company’s birthday. While it is a celebration of the e-Commerce giant turning another year older, it’s really a brilliant way to boost sales in the middle of the year.
The Big Style Sale took place from June 22-28, and focused on the softlines category with sales from big-name brands such as Adidas, Tory Burch, New Balance and Superga. In addition, Amazon also ran deals on their Amazon Essentials and recently launched athletic apparel brand, Core 10. While popular brands joined in on the sale, it wasn’t as widely promoted as Prime Day.
So, did The Big Style Sale really help? It’s hard to say. Amazon has yet to release any official performance or sales data around the event, whereas for Prime Day, revenue estimates would have been released already. Feedvisor reports that since apparel sales were already increasing month-over-month since February, it’s hard to tell.
It is noteworthy that there are less COVID-related search terms in the month of June compared to previous months. Was The Big Style Sale a one-time event? We predict that Amazon may keep the sale in some form for 2021, perhaps moving it to earlier in the spring once Prime Day returns to its typical slot.
Stay tuned this week for the first in our three-part series on Prime Day Preparation. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram for more.